Apr 25, 2014

Mobile Phone Charging Lockers Come To Magic Kingdom

With the increased reliance on smart phones at Walt Disney World, from making and changing FastPass+ and dining reservations, checking out wait times for shows and attractions, and more, battery life seems to be more important than ever. My wife and I each purchased a Mophie Juice Pack, to charge our phones about halfway through the day and they really work very well. For those guests who don't have an external battery, Disney has now begun testing mobile phone charging lockers for guest use.

Here's how they work: guests swipe their credit card to gain access to the locker. Not to worry, though - the card won't be charged. It's just going to be used to identification purposes. Once the card is swiped, the locker door opens and you will find several different charger cables for your device (multiple phone types - iPhone, Blackberry, Windows - are supported, though tablets will reportedly not fit in the cabinet). Then, simply plug in, close the door, and head off to your next adventure, knowing that your phone is locked away and safe. When the locker door lights up green, you'll know that you're all charged up and ready to go. Simply swipe your credit card again to reopen the locker and you're in business!

The lockers are available at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe and the Tomorrowland Light and Power Company (the Space Mountain gift shop), both in Tomorrowland.

Curious to actually get a look at how these new charging lockers work?

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