Jul 19, 2014

Safety First... Even At The Most Magical Place On Earth

Recently, there was an accident at the Magic Kingdom's Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. While on the ride, someone got the tips of two of his fingers severed...

I don't know about you but, when I first read that, my mind immediately began assuming that the person was someone just fooling around way too much, doing things that they knew they shouldn't be doing, and something awful happened as a result. But, it turns out that the person injured was a middle-aged guy who, from what I can tell from the reports, was simply sitting in the Pirates boat, relaxing, and enjoying himself. However, and here's the thing, it turns out that he had his elbow resting up on the side of the boat, with his hand dangling down on the outside. You know the way. Some of us drive in our cars like that, when we've got the windows rolled all the way down. There is a reason why Disney asks guests to keep their arms inside the boat at all times, though. And, in this case, the ride vehicle bumped against a wall, and two of the gentleman's fingertips were cut off. And those aren't something that he will ever get back. The man was taken to the hospital and he is doing fine, but his fingers were lost and gone.

So, my whole point here is to just be careful and follow the instructions of the Cast Members as well as the announcements made before and during the rides. And that goes goes for the Disney Parks as well as any other theme park out there. I know that the rules are cliché and we've all heard them a million times, but they really are serious. This was a grownup, not trying to act silly or cause any trouble... but he wasn't heeding the warnings, and the rest is history.

Thanks for indulging me!

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